Officers 2024-2025

April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025

Exalted Ruler Nicole Phillips, Leading Knight Susan Adler, Loyal Knight Marco Buoncristiani, Lecturing Knight Jenny Tisell, Esquire - Stewart Munson, PER- , Chaplain Rosina Caleca, Inner Guard Diane Shappy, Tiler Meike Filipof, Treasurer Dean Aure, Secretary Katharine Whipple (not pictured)
Meet the current Officers for 2024-2025! (CLICK TO SEE THE OFFICERS)

Lodge officers perform the Initiation Ritual and other ritual and Lodge services throughout the year for our membership. You will find them at Lodge meetings, activities and out in public representing our Lodge in the community for special events. Please contact one of the officers if you are interested in joining the leadership team.

Secretary Whipple and Treasurer Aure are Lodge officers, but not performing officers.

Trustees 2024-2025

Chair, Alan Quinton-PER;  1 year -Ken Hauser; 2 year -George Kokalis; 3 year-Alan Quinton; 4 year -Sydney Fairbairn PER;  5 year- Greg Rorvik

The trustees are the governing body of the lodge finances. Budget, charitable disbursements, and all lodge revenue and expenditures are under the oversight of the trustees. Meetings are open to all members on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 6:00 pm. Contact Alan for agenda requests.

House Committee 2024-2025

Chair Kelly Day Medina, Janice Allen, Ken Hauser, Jenny Tisell, Marco Buoncristiani

The operation and management of the club facilities is under the supervision of the House Committee. These are appointed one year terms. Pool rules, lodge hours, member disputes, maintenance of the grounds, pricing structures and staffing all fall under the responsibilities of the House Committee. All members are invited to attend the semi-monthly meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 6:30 pm.

Lodge Committees 2024-2025

Accident Prevention - George Kokalis
Activities - Susan Adler
Americanism - Stewart Munson (PER), Esquire
Americanism  Essay Contest - Stewart Munson
Auditing & Accounting - t.b.d.
Bequests & Living Trusts - Bob Meier, PER
Booster - Drea Hurley
Communications - Constanza Perry
Drug Awareness - Lynn Fox PhD
Elks National Foundation - Marco Buoncristiani, Loyal Knight
ENF Grants - Joe Tato, Monica McMillan
Flag Day - Stewart Munson PER
Government Relations - Sydney Fairbairn PER, Trustee
Hoop Shoot - Marco Buoncristani, Lecturing Knight
House Committee - Kelly Medina
Membership & Investigation - Monica McMillan and Greg Rorvik
Memorial Day - Stewart Munson PER
Music Concert Series - Pete Crowley
Music Bookings - Brian Waterbury
Orientation - Monica McMillan, Bob Meier PER
PER Association - Eric Holm PER
Pool Committee - Lois Tucker
Public Relations - Katharine Whipple
Purple Pig (CHEMPI) - Susan Adler, Leading Knight
Ritual Coaches - Alan Quinton PER
Scholarships - Marcella & Ken Hauser
Scouting - Doris Cardinal
Soccer Shoot - OPEN
User X - Melanie Lamoureux
Veterans - Peter Behr
Volunteer Coordinator - Marie Behr
Youth Activities - Marco Buoncristiani, Lecturing Knight
Website Content:  Melanie Lamoureux, Doris Cardinal, Monica McMillan

All members are invited to join a committee, or help out at individual events and activities. The more you put into the Lodge, the more you'll get out!

2024-2025 CHEA Association Vice President

Northwest Alan Bobillot ~ Eureka Lodge No. 0652

2024-2025 District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler

Patti Powell