1108 Campaign - 2025

WE have reached over $20,000, almost half way there...but donations CLOSE TOMORROW MARCH 2nd!

Will You Join Us TODAY to Continue Our Tradition?

The Trustees and Lodge Officers thank you for everything you do to support your Lodge, the organization and what BPOE Stands for in our country. We want to pass on the Elk legacy to our children, and funds are low... please contribute.

We continue the rich tradition of service to those in need. Throughout our history this commitment has manifested itself in the numerous programs we support - focusing on youth, veterans and the disabled - and charities in the greater community of Marin County.

Please donate to the 1108 Campaign

We have begun this Campaign during the traditional 'period of giving' by those who feel the benevolence of the season! It will run through the end of March 2025 (our Elk year).

You choose the amount: $20 - $1,000 or whatever you can afford to help us continue in our Benevolent Tradition. There are 2 ways you can donate. Use the QR code below for credit card donations, or download a quick form that you can print and mail with your check to the Office.

Thank you to donors who have given to date:

***incdicates a donation over $500

Scan this code to donate: