2020 Theme Child - Aaron from Paramount

for our son Aaron. It gives us such peace of mind to
know that our wonderful Elks speech therapist, Toby,
will be in our home every week providing Aaron such
important therapy. He has made wonderful progress
and this is all due to the generosity of the Elks
members. On behalf of all of the thousands of
children who are being served through these selfless
donations, we want to say thank you to all the Elk
members throughout California and Hawaii. Aaron’s parents
Aaron is an adorable 5-year old boy. He is energetic, funny, affectionate and rambunctious. So basically, Aaron is a lot like many boys his age. What is not so typical is that Aaron is not yet using many words to make his wants and needs known. Aaron's parents also noticed early on that Aaron was a bit delayed in walking, so he began to receive physical therapy in his home through the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project.... Download the 2020 Theme Child Brochure for the complete story!
The California-Hawaii Elks Association (CHEA) is best known for its support of children with disabilities. Our Major Project, often referred to as The Purple Pig, is the fundraising arm of our charitable work and serves as a reminder to the membership that our greatest joy is in giving to and helping others.
There are many ways to support our disabilities outreach, and children like Aaron who may have had little hope without CHEA intervention. A few are:
- Our Bequests & Living Trusts (BLT) Legacy Giving Program
- Regular monthly donations, and
- Filling the Purple Pig with the “A Coin A Day so they can Walk, Talk, See and Play”