2024 DAP Camarena Award Ceremony
Friday, April 19, 2024
Elks Lodge, 1312 Mission Avenue, San Rafael

Robert “Bob” Doyle, Marin County Sheriff (retired-2022) served Marin County for 53years. After serving in the US military, he rose through the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and Under-Sheriff until becoming Sheriff in 1996.
Sheriff Doyle’s leadership accomplishments include:
• Worked with Marin County Educators to develop a School Law Enforcement Partnership focused on issues with youth surrounding drugs, mental health and other safety issues
• Started the Youth Academy at the Sheriff’s Office –bringing Marin youth for ten weekly sessions to learn about the many aspects of the Sheriff’s Office and the role of law enforcement
• Dedicated resources to combat illegal drug sales
• Served as President of the Marin County Chiefs of Police Association several times
• President of the State Sheriff’s Association 2004-2005, and Chaired its Legislative Committee for nearly 20 years
• Served on the State Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training from 2012-2022 and 2006-2011. Currently, appointed by the Governor to the newly formed Peace Officer Standards Accountability Advisory Board
Contact: Lynn Fox, Ph.D. - DAP Chair - at: FoxLynn@me.com
To see the interviews of previous Camarena Award Winners at: https://vimeo.com/showcase/elks1108-camarena-award
Robert “Bob” Doyle, Marin County Sheriff (retired-2022) served Marin County for 53years. After serving in the US military, he rose through the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and Under-Sheriff until becoming Sheriff in 1996.
Sheriff Doyle’s leadership accomplishments include:
• Worked with Marin County Educators to develop a School Law Enforcement Partnership focused on issues with youth surrounding drugs, mental health and other safety issues
• Started the Youth Academy at the Sheriff’s Office –bringing Marin youth for ten weekly sessions to learn about the many aspects of the Sheriff’s Office and the role of law enforcement
• Dedicated resources to combat illegal drug sales
• Served as President of the Marin County Chiefs of Police Association several times
• President of the State Sheriff’s Association 2004-2005, and Chaired its Legislative Committee for nearly 20 years
• Served on the State Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training from 2012-2022 and 2006-2011. Currently, appointed by the Governor to the newly formed Peace Officer Standards Accountability Advisory Board
Contact: Lynn Fox, Ph.D. - DAP Chair - at: FoxLynn@me.com
To see the interviews of previous Camarena Award Winners at: https://vimeo.com/showcase/elks1108-camarena-award