San Rafael Elks Lodge 1108 has an active Drug Awareness Program led by Drug Awareness Committee Chair Lynn Fox, Ph.D. who has a Doctorate in Education, and a special background in the effects of marijuana on youth. Lynn can be contacted directly at foxlynn@me.com
The Elks Lodge 1108 Drug Awareness Program mission is to provide outreach to the schools and larger local community - educating on the effects of drugs and prevention of drug abuse, especially for youth. It is part of the national Elks Drug Awareness Program, featured on the national Elks website: https://www.elks.org/dap/
The highlight of the 2019 Lodge 1108 Drug Awareness Program was a comprehensive conference focused on the effects of drugs in the community and how the community can come together for positive actions. This conference was a great success with over 100 people attending. Many new connections were made and much relevant knowledge shared:
Links to the conference program is highlighted here as an ongoing resource with actual contact information for the speakers and exhibitors featured in the program below.

C. Lynn Fox, Ph.D., Chair, Drug Awareness Program, Elks Lodge #1108
Mark E. Dale, Families for Safer Schools, Rx Safe Marin - Master of Ceremonies
Dr. Christy Brown, Communications Director,Moms Strong
Matthew D. Willis, MD, MPH, Public Health Officer, County of Marin
Linda Witong, Marin County Deputy District Attorney (32+ years retired)
JeffreyJ. DeVido, MD. MTS, FASAM, Chief, Addiction Services, Marin County Department of Health and Human Services
Sue Webber Brown, Executive Director, California Drug Endangered Children Training and Advocacy Center (DEC-TAC)
PANEL: Prop 64-Marijuana Legalization, What Was Promised/What Was Delivered
Scott Chipman, Vice President, Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana
Debbie Berndt, Director, "I'm in" Parent Movement 2.0
Kathleen Lippitt, MPH, Public Health Practitioner and Policy Advocate
Frank Riebli, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of California, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, Opioid Coordinator
Lori Frugoli, Marin County District Attorney - Marijuana in Marin County from the District Attorney’s Perspective and Local Facts
Larry Sartori, Exalted Ruler, Petaluma Elks Lodge #901, Drug Awareness Committee
Laurel Botsford, Founder and President, Wisdom International: Help2Others - Why Drugs and Sex Trafficking?
Mark Schiller, M.D.,Mind Therapy Clinic - The Impact of Cannabis, Vaping and other Substances on our Yout
Lucia Ray-Guillen, Anti-Human Trafficking Program Manager, Community Violence Solutions - Victim Services and Drugs
Phillip A. Drum, Pharm, D., FCSHP, California Prop 64 Impaired Driving Task Force - Driving Under the Influence and Fatalities
Debbie Berndt, Parent Movement Revived - Relaunching the Parent Movement –
C.Lynn Fox, Ph.D., Chair,Drug Awareness Program, Elks Lodge #1108 - What I have learned about the Youth Drug Crisis and What Works
Mark E. Dale, Founder, Families For Safer Schools, Rx Safe Marin - Life Expectancy & Resiliency
Meghan Kehoe, Manager, Children and Youth Division, Center for Domestic Peace - Domestic Violence, Sex Trafficking and Youth
Dr. Michael Pritchard – Comedian and Inspirational Speaker
EXHIBITORS: (Please see 2019 Complete Program Link for Full Descriptions & Contact Info)
Wisdom International: Help2Others (Sex Trafficking Issues)
Recovery Without Walls
Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NC HIDTA)
Parents Opposed to Pot (POP)
Moms Strong
Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships
Marin County District Attorney Office
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), San Francisco
Elks National Drug Awareness Program
California Drug Endangered Children Training and Advocacy Center (DECTAC)
Buckelew Programs
Bayside Marin Treatment Center
Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana
Valley Oak Wealth Management

As part of this conference, the Drug Awareness Committee also produced a brief Public Service Announcement (PSA) “Did You Know?” that aired locally on Comcast, Channel 26:
Credits: Stewart Munson, PER, Producer; Nuria Ibars, Co-Producer, Lynn Fox, Laurel Botsford, Peter Behr, Lori Frugoli & Katharine Whipple, Voiceover
Special thanks to Macy's and In 'n Out Burger for their in kind donations.