Monday, November 6, 2023
San Rafael Elks Lodge - Cardroom and Drake's Bar

TV Premiere from the Drug Awareness Committee of Lodge 1108 - featuring Michael Pritchard - a well recognized entertainer who represents the standards of the Enrique Camarena Award for his work in the Marin community with youth and others in the fight against drugs.
Registration is now closed.
If you are interested in viewing the previous 4 programs in the TV series, you can view them by CLICKING HERE
TV Premiere from the Drug Awareness Committee of Lodge 1108 - featuring Michael Pritchard - a well recognized entertainer who represents the standards of the Enrique Camarena Award for his work in the Marin community with youth and others in the fight against drugs.
Registration is now closed.
If you are interested in viewing the previous 4 programs in the TV series, you can view them by CLICKING HERE