2023 Hoop Shoot
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Albert J. Boro Community Center (Pickleweed Park), 50 Canal Street, San Rafael

Competition is against youth the same age and gender—the number of free-throws made within the specified time period. Contests start at our Lodge, go to District, onto State, then the greater region - with winners moving to the Elks Natioinal Finals. Tell your kids, grandkids and their friends!
This is a competition for all youth from Marin County - you do not need to be associated with the Elks!
For more information, please contact Marco Buoncristiani, Youth Activites Chair, at: 415-755-3369 or by Email: MarcoElks1108@gmail.com
Competition is against youth the same age and gender—the number of free-throws made within the specified time period. Contests start at our Lodge, go to District, onto State, then the greater region - with winners moving to the Elks Natioinal Finals. Tell your kids, grandkids and their friends!
This is a competition for all youth from Marin County - you do not need to be associated with the Elks!
For more information, please contact Marco Buoncristiani, Youth Activites Chair, at: 415-755-3369 or by Email: MarcoElks1108@gmail.com